Friday, Apr 19, 2024
Friday, Apr 19, 2024
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM EST
Refreshing the Owner Advisor Primer
With the release of the refreshed Best Practices earlier this year, it is time to refresh the Owner Advisor Primer. It is essential this document reflects the current state of the design-build industry and the implementation of the Design Build Done Right® Best Practices. Throughout 2023, industry stakeholders provided comments and recommendations to the Owner Advisor committee that has resulted in a reorganization of the document and clarity in its purpose. This session explores the work of DBIA's Owner Advisor committee and focuses on the proposed changes to the Owner Advisor Primer.
Scott A. Churilla, JD, FDBIA, HDR
Grace Lin, AIA, DBIA, Columbia University
John W. Bale, PE, FDBIA, CRS Engineers
Molly A. Jones, LEED AP, AIA, GGP, DBIA, Jones Design Studio, PLLC
TRACK 3: All You Need is Trust
Location: Jr. Ballroom C, Duke Energy Convention Center
Session Credits: 1.00
Location: Jr. Ballroom C, Duke Energy Convention Center
Session Credits: 1.00
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